
Exposing the Perfection Fallacy: We Grow in Love and in Relationships through Our Mistakes

 The Perfection Fallacy One thing is certain: When two people love, love truly, love deeply, they will make mistakes. They will walk and then stumble. They will walk in love and stumble from fear. But you can be certain that as long as you get up and decide to walk again, the one you love will always be there for you, after you stumble, after you decide to walk again. You cannot ever lose a true love when you make mistakes, when you stumble, when you temporarily return to some old pattern you are seeking to replace with healthier new ones. So go ahead: walk, stumble, and look up. You will see the one who truly loves you is still there, waiting to walk beside you again, so you may one day run in laughter and pleasure together. It is a complete fallacy to believe that perfect love means perfection. Here is the truth: Perfect love means growing from and learning from imperfection, recognizing your mistakes, and becoming your best. This is what relationships are all about: Sharing your lif